Finite element discretization library
This is the complete list of members for mfem::ParNCMesh, including all inherited members.
AddMasterSlaveRanks(int nitems, const NCList &list) | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
AssignLeafIndices() | mfem::ParNCMesh | protectedvirtual |
boundary_edges | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
boundary_faces | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
BuildEdgeList() | mfem::ParNCMesh | protectedvirtual |
BuildElementToVertexTable() | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
BuildFaceList() | mfem::ParNCMesh | protectedvirtual |
BuildSharedVertices() | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
CalcFaceOrientations() | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
CheckAnisoFace(Node *v1, Node *v2, Node *v3, Node *v4, Node *mid12, Node *mid34, int level=0) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
CheckIsoFace(Node *v1, Node *v2, Node *v3, Node *v4, Node *e1, Node *e2, Node *e3, Node *e4, Node *midf) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
ClearCoarseLevel() | mfem::NCMesh | inline |
coarse_elements | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
CollectEdgeVertices(Node *v0, Node *v1, Array< int > &indices) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
CollectFaceVertices(Node *v0, Node *v1, Node *v2, Node *v3, Array< int > &indices) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
CollectLeafElements(Element *elem) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
CopyHierarchy(Element *elem) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
CountElements(Element *elem) const | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
CountObjects(int &nelem, int &nvert, int &nedges) const | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
CountSplits(Element *elem, int splits[3]) const | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
DebugNeighbors(Array< char > &elem_set) | mfem::NCMesh | |
DecodeMeshIds(std::istream &is, Array< MeshId > ids[], int dim, bool decode_indices) const | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
DeleteHierarchy(Element *elem) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
DerefineElement(Element *elem) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
Dim | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
Dimension() const | mfem::NCMesh | inline |
edge_group | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
edge_list | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
edge_owner | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
EdgeSplitLevel(Node *v1, Node *v2) const | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
element_type | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
element_vertex | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
ElementNeighborProcessors(Element *elem, Array< int > &ranks) | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
ElementSharesEdge(Element *elem, Edge *edge) | mfem::ParNCMesh | protectedvirtual |
mfem::NCMesh::ElementSharesEdge(Element *elem, Edge *edge) | mfem::NCMesh | inlineprotectedvirtual |
ElementSharesFace(Element *elem, Face *face) | mfem::ParNCMesh | protectedvirtual |
mfem::NCMesh::ElementSharesFace(Element *elem, Face *face) | mfem::NCMesh | inlineprotectedvirtual |
EncodeMeshIds(std::ostream &os, Array< MeshId > ids[], int dim) const | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
face_group | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
face_list | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
face_orient | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
face_owner | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
faces | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
FaceSplitLevel(Node *v1, Node *v2, Node *v3, Node *v4, int &h_level, int &v_level) const | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
FaceSplitType(Node *v1, Node *v2, Node *v3, Node *v4, Node *mid[4]=NULL) const | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
find_face_nodes(const Face *face, Node *node[4]) | mfem::NCMesh | protectedstatic |
find_hex_face(int a, int b, int c) | mfem::NCMesh | protectedstatic |
find_node(Element *elem, Node *node) | mfem::NCMesh | protectedstatic |
find_node(Element *elem, int node_id) | mfem::NCMesh | protectedstatic |
FindNeighbors(const Element *elem, Array< Element * > &neighbors, const Array< Element * > *search_set=NULL) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
FindSetNeighbors(const Array< char > &elem_set, Array< Element * > *neighbors, Array< char > *neighbor_set=NULL) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
ForceRefinement(Node *v1, Node *v2, Node *v3, Node *v4) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
GetBoundaryClosure(const Array< int > &bdr_attr_is_ess, Array< int > &bdr_vertices, Array< int > &bdr_edges) | mfem::ParNCMesh | virtual |
GetDebugMesh(Mesh &debug_mesh) const | mfem::ParNCMesh | |
GetEdgeList() | mfem::NCMesh | inline |
GetEdgeMaster(int v1, int v2) const | mfem::NCMesh | |
GetEdgeMaster(Node *node) const | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
GetFaceList() | mfem::NCMesh | inline |
GetFaceOrientation(int index) const | mfem::ParNCMesh | inline |
GetFineTransforms() | mfem::NCMesh | |
GetFineTransforms(Element *elem, int coarse_index, FineTransform *transforms, const PointMatrix &pm) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
GetGroup(int type, int index, int &size) const | mfem::ParNCMesh | inline |
GetMeshComponents(Array< mfem::Vertex > &vertices, Array< mfem::Element * > &elements, Array< mfem::Element * > &boundary) const | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
GetMidEdgeVertex(Node *v1, Node *v2) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
GetMidEdgeVertexSimple(Node *v1, Node *v2) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
GetMidFaceVertex(Node *e1, Node *e2, Node *e3, Node *e4) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
GetNumGhosts() const | mfem::ParNCMesh | inlineprotectedvirtual |
GetOwner(int type, int index) const | mfem::ParNCMesh | inline |
GetSharedEdges() | mfem::ParNCMesh | inline |
GetSharedFaces() | mfem::ParNCMesh | inline |
GetSharedList(int type) | mfem::ParNCMesh | inline |
GetSharedVertices() | mfem::ParNCMesh | inline |
ghost_layer | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
GI | mfem::NCMesh | static |
index_rank | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
InitialPartition(int index) const | mfem::ParNCMesh | inlineprotected |
IsGhost(int type, int index) const | mfem::ParNCMesh | inline |
IsGhost(const Element *elem) const | mfem::ParNCMesh | inlineprotectedvirtual |
mfem::NCMesh::IsGhost(const Element *elem) const | mfem::NCMesh | inlineprotectedvirtual |
Iso | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
leaf_elements | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
LimitNCLevel(int max_level) | mfem::ParNCMesh | virtual |
LoadCoarseElements(std::istream &input) | mfem::NCMesh | |
LoadVertexParents(std::istream &input) | mfem::NCMesh | |
MakeShared(const Table &groups, const NCList &list, NCList &shared) | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
MarkCoarseLevel() | mfem::NCMesh | |
MemoryUsage() const | mfem::NCMesh | |
MyComm | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
MyRank | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
NCMesh(const Mesh *mesh, std::istream *vertex_parents=NULL) | mfem::NCMesh | |
NCMesh(const NCMesh &other) | mfem::NCMesh | |
NEdges | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
NeighborDofMessage class | mfem::ParNCMesh | friend |
NeighborProcessors(Array< int > &neighbors) | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
NElements | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
NewHexahedron(Node *n0, Node *n1, Node *n2, Node *n3, Node *n4, Node *n5, Node *n6, Node *n7, int attr, int fattr0, int fattr1, int fattr2, int fattr3, int fattr4, int fattr5) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
NewQuadrilateral(Node *n0, Node *n1, Node *n2, Node *n3, int attr, int eattr0, int eattr1, int eattr2, int eattr3) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
NewTriangle(Node *n0, Node *n1, Node *n2, int attr, int eattr0, int eattr1, int eattr2) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
NewVertex(Node *v1, Node *v2) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
NFaces | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
NGhostEdges | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
NGhostElements | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
NGhostFaces | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
NGhostVertices | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
nodes | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
NodeSetX1(Node *node, Node **n) | mfem::NCMesh | inlineprotected |
NodeSetX2(Node *node, Node **n) | mfem::NCMesh | inlineprotected |
NodeSetY1(Node *node, Node **n) | mfem::NCMesh | inlineprotected |
NodeSetY2(Node *node, Node **n) | mfem::NCMesh | inlineprotected |
NodeSetZ1(Node *node, Node **n) | mfem::NCMesh | inlineprotected |
NodeSetZ2(Node *node, Node **n) | mfem::NCMesh | inlineprotected |
NRanks | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
num_vertices | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
NVertices | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
OnMeshUpdated(Mesh *mesh) | mfem::ParNCMesh | protectedvirtual |
ParMesh class | mfem::ParNCMesh | friend |
ParNCMesh(MPI_Comm comm, const NCMesh &ncmesh) | mfem::ParNCMesh | |
PeekAltParents(Node *v1, Node *v2) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
PrintCoarseElements(std::ostream &out) const | mfem::NCMesh | |
PrintElements(std::ostream &out, Element *elem, int &coarse_id) const | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
PrintMemoryDetail() const | mfem::NCMesh | |
PrintVertexParents(std::ostream &out) const | mfem::NCMesh | |
Prune() | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
PruneTree(Element *elem) | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
RankInGroup(int type, int index, int rank) const | mfem::ParNCMesh | inline |
ref_stack | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
RefElementNodes(Element *elem) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
Refine(const Array< Refinement > &refinements) | mfem::ParNCMesh | virtual |
RefineElement(Element *elem, char ref_type) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
RegisterFaces(Element *elem, int *fattr=NULL) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
ReorderFacePointMat(Node *v0, Node *v1, Node *v2, Node *v3, Element *elem, DenseMatrix &mat) const | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
root_elements | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
SetVertexPositions(const Array< mfem::Vertex > &vertices) | mfem::NCMesh | |
shared_edges | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
shared_faces | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
shared_vertices | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
spaceDim | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
SpaceDimension() const | mfem::NCMesh | inline |
tmp_neighbors | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
TraverseEdge(Node *v0, Node *v1, double t0, double t1, int level) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
TraverseFace(Node *v0, Node *v1, Node *v2, Node *v3, const PointMatrix &pm, int level) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
UnrefElementNodes(Element *elem) | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
Update() | mfem::ParNCMesh | protectedvirtual |
UpdateElementToVertexTable() | mfem::NCMesh | inlineprotected |
UpdateLayers() | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
UpdateLeafElements() | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
UpdateVertices() | mfem::ParNCMesh | protectedvirtual |
vertex_group | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
vertex_nodeId | mfem::NCMesh | protected |
vertex_owner | mfem::ParNCMesh | protected |
~NCMesh() | mfem::NCMesh | virtual |