MFEM v2.0
Mesh Member List
This is the complete list of members for Mesh, including all inherited members.
AddBdrQuad(int *vi, int attr=1)Mesh
AddBdrSegment(int *vi, int attr=1)Mesh
AddBdrTriangle(int *vi, int attr=1)Mesh
AddElement(Element *elem)Mesh [inline]
AddHex(int *vi, int attr=1)Mesh
AddQuad(int *vi, int attr=1)Mesh
AddQuadFaceElement(int lf, int gf, int el, int v0, int v1, int v2, int v3)Mesh [protected]
AddSegmentFaceElement(int lf, int gf, int el, int v0, int v1)Mesh [protected]
AddTet(int *vi, int attr=1)Mesh
AddTri(int *vi, int attr=1)Mesh
AddTriangle(int *vi, int attr=1)Mesh
AddTriangleFaceElement(int lf, int gf, int el, int v0, int v1, int v2)Mesh [protected]
AddVertex(double *)Mesh
AverageVertices(int *indexes, int n, int result)Mesh [protected]
be_to_edgeMesh [protected]
be_to_faceMesh [protected]
bel_to_edgeMesh [protected]
Bisection(int i, const DSTable &, int *, int *, int *)Mesh [protected]
Bisection(int i, const DSTable &, int *)Mesh [protected]
BisectTetTrans(DenseMatrix &pointmat, Tetrahedron *tet, int child)Mesh [protected]
BisectTriTrans(DenseMatrix &pointmat, Triangle *tri, int child)Mesh [protected]
boundaryMesh [protected]
c_bel_to_edgeMesh [protected]
c_el_to_edgeMesh [protected]
c_el_to_faceMesh [protected]
c_NumOfBdrElementsMesh [protected]
c_NumOfEdgesMesh [protected]
c_NumOfElementsMesh [protected]
c_NumOfFacesMesh [protected]
c_NumOfVerticesMesh [protected]
CartesianPartitioning(int nxyz[])Mesh
CheckDisplacements(const Vector &displacements, double &tmax)Mesh
CheckPartitioning(int *partitioning)Mesh
DegreeElevate(int t)Mesh
DeleteCoarseTables()Mesh [protected]
DeleteTables()Mesh [protected]
DimMesh [protected]
Dimension() const Mesh [inline]
edge_vertexMesh [mutable, protected]
el_to_edgeMesh [protected]
el_to_elMesh [protected]
el_to_faceMesh [protected]
elementsMesh [protected]
ElementToEdgeTable() const Mesh
ElementToFaceTable() const Mesh
EulerNumber() const Mesh [inline]
EulerNumber2D() const Mesh [inline]
f_bel_to_edgeMesh [protected]
f_el_to_edgeMesh [protected]
f_el_to_faceMesh [protected]
f_NumOfBdrElementsMesh [protected]
f_NumOfEdgesMesh [protected]
f_NumOfElementsMesh [protected]
f_NumOfFacesMesh [protected]
f_NumOfVerticesMesh [protected]
face_edgeMesh [mutable, protected]
FaceElemTrMesh [protected]
facesMesh [protected]
faces_infoMesh [protected]
FaceTransformationMesh [protected]
fc_be_to_edgeMesh [protected]
fc_faces_infoMesh [protected]
FinalizeHexMesh(int generate_edges=0, int refine=0)Mesh
FinalizeQuadMesh(int generate_edges=0, int refine=0)Mesh
FinalizeTetMesh(int generate_edges=0, int refine=0)Mesh
FinalizeTriMesh(int generate_edges=0, int refine=0)Mesh
FreeElement(Element *E)Mesh [protected]
GenerateFaces()Mesh [protected]
GeneratePartitioning(int nparts, int part_method=1)Mesh
GetAttribute(int i) const Mesh [inline]
GetBdrAttribute(int i) const Mesh [inline]
GetBdrElement(int i) const Mesh [inline]
GetBdrElement(int i)Mesh [inline]
GetBdrElementBaseGeometry(int i) const Mesh [inline]
GetBdrElementEdgeIndex(int i) const Mesh
GetBdrElementEdges(int i, Array< int > &, Array< int > &) const Mesh
GetBdrElementFace(int i, int *, int *) const Mesh
GetBdrElementTransformation(int i)Mesh
GetBdrElementType(int i) const Mesh
GetBdrElementVertices(int i, Array< int > &dofs) const Mesh [inline]
GetBdrFaceTransformations(int BdrElemNo)Mesh
GetBdrPointMatrix(int i, DenseMatrix &pointmat) const Mesh
GetBisectionHierarchy(Element *E)Mesh [protected]
GetEdgeVertexTable() const Mesh
GetEdgeVertices(int i, Array< int > &vert) const Mesh
GetElement(int i) const Mesh [inline]
GetElement(int i)Mesh [inline]
GetElementArrayEdgeTable(const Array< Element * > &elem_array, const DSTable &v_to_v, Table &el_to_edge)Mesh [protected, static]
GetElementBaseGeometry(int i) const Mesh [inline]
GetElementColoring(Array< int > &colors, int el0=0)Mesh
GetElementEdges(int i, Array< int > &, Array< int > &) const Mesh
GetElementFaces(int i, Array< int > &, Array< int > &) const Mesh
GetElementJacobian(int i, DenseMatrix &J)Mesh [protected]
GetElementSize(int i, int type=0)Mesh
GetElementSize(int i, const Vector &dir)Mesh
GetElementToEdgeTable(Table &, Array< int > &)Mesh [protected]
GetElementToFaceTable(int ret_ftbl=0)Mesh [protected]
GetElementTransformation(int i, IsoparametricTransformation *ElTr)Mesh
GetElementTransformation(int i)Mesh
GetElementTransformation(int i, const Vector &nodes, IsoparametricTransformation *ElTr)Mesh
GetElementType(int i) const Mesh
GetElementVertices(int i, Array< int > &dofs) const Mesh [inline]
GetElementVolume(int i)Mesh
GetFace(int i) const Mesh [inline]
GetFaceBaseGeometry(int i) const Mesh
GetFaceEdges(int i, Array< int > &, Array< int > &) const Mesh
GetFaceEdgeTable() const Mesh
GetFaceElements(int Face, int *Elem1, int *Elem2)Mesh
GetFaceElementTransformations(int FaceNo, int mask=31)Mesh
GetFaceInfos(int Face, int *Inf1, int *Inf2)Mesh
GetFacesTable()Mesh [protected]
GetFaceTransformation(int i, IsoparametricTransformation *FTr)Mesh
GetFaceTransformation(int FaceNo)Mesh
GetFaceVertices(int i, Array< int > &vert) const Mesh [inline]
GetFineElem(int i, int j)Mesh
GetFineElemPath(int i, int j)Mesh [protected]
GetFineElemTrans(int i, int j)Mesh
GetInteriorFaceTransformations(int FaceNo)Mesh [inline]
GetLength(int i, int j) const Mesh [protected]
GetLocalQuadToHexTransformation(IsoparametricTransformation &loc, int i)Mesh [protected]
GetLocalSegToQuadTransformation(IsoparametricTransformation &loc, int i)Mesh [protected]
GetLocalSegToTriTransformation(IsoparametricTransformation &loc, int i)Mesh [protected]
GetLocalTriToTetTransformation(IsoparametricTransformation &loc, int i)Mesh [protected]
GetNBE() const Mesh [inline]
GetNE() const Mesh [inline]
GetNEdges() const Mesh [inline]
GetNFaces() const Mesh [inline]
GetNodes(Vector &node_coord) const Mesh
GetNodes()Mesh [inline]
GetNumFineElems(int i)Mesh
GetNV() const Mesh [inline]
GetPointMatrix(int i, DenseMatrix &pointmat) const Mesh
GetQuadOrientation(const int *base, const int *test)Mesh [protected, static]
GetRefinementType(int i)Mesh
GetTransformationFEforElementType(int)Mesh [protected]
GetTriOrientation(const int *base, const int *test)Mesh [protected, static]
GetVertex(int i) const Mesh [inline]
GetVertex(int i)Mesh [inline]
GetVertexToVertexTable(DSTable &) const Mesh [protected]
GetVertices(Vector &vert_coord) const Mesh
GreenRefinement(int i, const DSTable &v_to_v, int *edge1, int *edge2, int *middle)Mesh [inline, protected]
HexUniformRefinement()Mesh [protected, virtual]
Init()Mesh [protected]
InitTables()Mesh [protected]
KnotInsert(Array< KnotVector * > &kv)Mesh
Load(istream &input, int generate_edges=0, int refine=1)Mesh
LoadPatchTopo(istream &input, Array< int > &edge_to_knot)Mesh [protected]
LocalRefinement(const Array< int > &marked_el, int type=3)Mesh [virtual]
MarkForRefinement()Mesh [protected]
MarkTetMeshForRefinement()Mesh [protected]
MarkTriMeshForRefinement()Mesh [protected]
Mesh()Mesh [inline]
Mesh(int _Dim, int NVert, int NElem, int NBdrElem=0)Mesh
Mesh(int nx, int ny, Element::Type type, int generate_edges=0, double sx=1.0, double sy=1.0)Mesh
Mesh(int n)Mesh [explicit]
Mesh(istream &input, int generate_edges=0, int refine=1)Mesh
Mesh(Mesh *mesh_array[], int num_pieces)Mesh
meshgenMesh [protected]
MeshGenerator()Mesh [inline]
MoveNodes(const Vector &displacements)Mesh
MoveVertices(const Vector &displacements)Mesh
NewElement(int geom)Mesh [protected]
NewNodes(GridFunction &nodes)Mesh
NodesMesh [protected]
NORMAL enum valueMesh
NumOfBdrElementsMesh [protected]
NumOfEdgesMesh [protected]
NumOfElementsMesh [protected]
NumOfFacesMesh [protected]
NumOfVerticesMesh [protected]
NURBSExtension classMesh [friend]
NURBSUniformRefinement()Mesh [protected, virtual]
own_nodesMesh [protected]
Print(ostream &out=cout) const Mesh [virtual]
PrintCharacteristics(Vector *Vh=NULL, Vector *Vk=NULL)Mesh
PrintElement(Element *, ostream &)Mesh [protected, static]
PrintElementsWithPartitioning(int *partitioning, ostream &out, int interior_faces=0)Mesh
PrintTopo(ostream &out, const Array< int > &e_to_k) const Mesh [protected]
PrintVTK(ostream &out)Mesh
PrintVTK(ostream &out, int ref, int field_data=0)Mesh
PrintWithPartitioning(int *partitioning, ostream &out, int elem_attr=0) const Mesh
PrintXG(ostream &out=cout) const Mesh [virtual]
QuadUniformRefinement()Mesh [protected, virtual]
ReadElement(istream &)Mesh [protected]
RedRefinement(int i, const DSTable &v_to_v, int *edge1, int *edge2, int *middle)Mesh [inline, protected]
ReorientTetMesh()Mesh [virtual]
Rotate3(int &, int &, int &)Mesh [inline, protected, static]
ScaleElements(double sf)Mesh
ScaleSubdomains(double sf)Mesh
SetNodalFESpace(FiniteElementSpace *nfes)Mesh
SetNodalGridFunction(GridFunction *nodes)Mesh
SetNodes(const Vector &node_coord)Mesh
SetState(int s)Mesh
SetVertices(const Vector &vert_coord)Mesh
ShiftL2R(int &, int &, int &)Mesh [inline, protected, static]
StateMesh [protected]
Transform(void(*f)(const Vector &, Vector &))Mesh
TransformationMesh [protected]
Transformation2Mesh [protected]
TWO_LEVEL_COARSE enum valueMesh
TWO_LEVEL_FINE enum valueMesh
UniformRefinement(int i, const DSTable &, int *, int *, int *)Mesh [protected]
UpdateNodes()Mesh [protected]
UpdateNURBS()Mesh [protected]
UseTwoLevelState(int use)Mesh [inline]
verticesMesh [protected]
WantTwoLevelStateMesh [protected]
~Mesh()Mesh [virtual]
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